Q: How do I place an order?
A:Send us a purchase order or ask us to create a Pro Forma invoice with the items you are interested in. After that we would also need to know the following information regarding your order:
Q: How do I request samples and what do they cost?
A:We welcome you to request samples from us. How else will you know what it is like to work with us? To do so, please follow these easy steps
Q:Can I have my own logo / branding on products we produce?
A:Yes, we often do this for our customers. We can apply them via the use of heat stamp, labels, laser etching, embroidery, etc. Please contact us for more information on how we can brand your goods.
Q:How do you guarantee your product quality?
A: We have our own professional internal QC team to check all products before shipment. We also produce for some of the largest brand in the world. You can trust our quality is top notch. Customers are welcome to come and inspect their goods during production or before submitting final payment.